Saturday 28 July 2007

Day 13

27th July 2007 - Friday –13th day

8.00am : Breakfast
9.00am : Travel to High Performance Training Centre (HPTC)
at TARRC (Tun Abdul Razak Research Centre).
9.20am – 12.00pm : Training - Recovery

(Team was visited by YB Jahid Jahim – Pembantu Menteri Belia dan Sukan, Sabah )

12.00pm : Lunch.
1.00pm : Back to Roebuck Hotel and Rest.
3.00pm – 4.30pm : Academic Class – Science.
5.00pm : Light training – Riverside walk at Ware town and light exercises.
7.00pm : Dinner
8.30pm – 10.30pm : Relaxation – Simple birthday celebration for players who born in July.

10.30pm : Team meeting
10.45pm : Light Off.

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